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Showing posts from October, 2019
Homework #6 Response  I found this article really interesting and surprising. Something that was interesting to me is how serious actors are when they REALLY want to look good. They can have digital work done on themselves just for a 3 second close up of them. That's crazy to me. I also read that some actors have work done on a telephone that they hold in a scene. XD. I did not expect to read something like that. I mean before reading this article I knew that actors had botox and Photoshop but not digital beauty. I'm shocked to learn this, I'm not sure why but I just am. This just tells me that we really don't know what an actor/actress actually looks like. Their appearance in a movie, TV-show or even photo could all be the work of digital beauty. My only question is why tell us about this after 10 years of keeping this a secret? 
Movie Plot  The queen of IDKtown (a.k.a. me) is dying. She has three sons: Dummy, Jummy, and Stummy. She sends them on a quest to find the lost diamond of IDKtown. She tells them that whoever finds it first becomes immortal. You see, the diamond has a power in it which is immortality. She also tells her sons that they need to battle each other and the last one standing will get to have the diamond. They need to have three battles for this. Little do they know, that this is all a trick just to get them out the house because the queen is tired of them and she needed them to go outside somehow. So there is no diamond and the sons are battling for basically nothing.
Homework #5 Response     The interview with Dustin Stanton gave me some insight as to how designers go through many ideas before forming a final product. He talked about various movies that he designed teasers and posters for and how he played around with some ideas before coming to a final product. One movie that he did this with was called There Will Be Blood . At one point in the interview Dustin said that you have to surround yourself with people who push you to become a better artist. Or, at least that's basically what he implied. I bring this up because I think it's important for designers to have this type of support system to motivate them and bring out more of their creative side. So, I think it was very important that that was included in the article. Anyway, I found this article interesting and it gave me insight to what designers go through when they're in the process of designing something. 
Homework #4 Response             There are many posters for this movie so I just chose my favorite one. I chose this poster because all the elements in this poster look great together. For instance, the background doesn't interfere with the visibility of the text. It actually makes the text stand out and easy to read. Also, the way the designer curved the text Spider-man makes it pop. Furthermore, the characters against the background look really nice and it actually looks natural. The character in the middle, can make your eye wander from the text then to him and then to the others. So, this poster makes everything come together.
Non-functional Product                       *I didn't save this as a photoshop file before I made changes, that's why the text is like this
Functional Product                                                               A beginner's design of functionality